Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is too far to come.

I got an alarming message due to heavy snow overnight from the national weather service yesterday. As they anticipated, snow covered all over Seoul today, and I had to consider what would be faster between a bus and a subway. Fortunately, the traffic was not that bad like last January when we had the most snow in 42 years. However, it was not welcoming either that we had snow in the middle of March. I remember that I saw one person wearing a T-shirt on the street two weeks ago. It was pretty spring at that time. But, it seems like it's time to bring back our winter coats again.

I've seen enough snow in this winter. Now, I'd like to see some beautiful and colorful flowers. I hope winter goes away soon, and summer comes late so that I can have some time to enjoy the weather of spring.

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