Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year~!

I feel good today though I still stay in the dormitory alone.

I think I could start something again~!lol

Of course keeping blog will be one of my goals in this year.

Yap, today is 2009 Jan. 1st.

I cannot believe that it is already 2009!

When I was young 2009 year seems too far to come and I guessed it would be quite different from that time something like riding flying automobile or being friend with robots..

Luckily the world is not that changed and human doen't have to wear oxygen mask for breathing!

People used to go to fortune teller's shop to see their fate for that year in January in Korea. Since I am a person who likes mystery thing, I wanna go to the fortune teller's shop at this time every year. I unavoidably used the internet fortune cite since it is hard to go to the shop in U.S.A.

Here is my destiny for my entire life.

(It is Korean cite so the letters might be broken when you open it with your computer.)

오후 3시 31분 ~ 5시 (It is my time of birth) 3:31~5:00pm

정직하고 예의가 있는 사람으로 비교적 괜찮은 운명을 타고났다고 하겠다. 무엇이든 확실한 것을 좋아하고 남에게 실수가 별로 없으며 말을 할 때나 무엇을 물을 때도 상대의 기분을 건들이지 않고 할건 다한다. 대개 장남이나 막내가 많으며 효자이고 딸로 태어나도 아들 역할을 하는 사람이다.
You are fated to have good fate comparatively as a honest and well-mannered person. You like everything something certain, don't make a mistake to others and do whatever you want without annoying other's feeling. Generally, you are doomed to be born as an oldest son or lastest son who is a good son, though you were born a daughter you would do son's role.

이런 사람은 재물이 아무리 많아도 그렇고 없어도 남에게 티를 안내는 타입이며 누구에게 구속받는 것을 싫어하고 스스로 알아서 하는 형이라 하겠다. 초년에는 약간 파란을 겪지만 대기만성형으로 크게 걱정할 필요가 없으며 기본적인 재물과 관록 운을 타고났다. 젊어서 경험을 쌓고 나중에 자기 사업을 하면 성공할 수 있으며 미술, 디자인, 컴퓨터, 어학, 특수 전문 쪽으로도 실력을 발휘할 수 있는 사람이다.
This type of person doesn't let somebody see their fortune either he/she is a rich or not. You don't like to be placed under control by others and do everything by yourself. You will suffer troubles a little in the early part of your life but you don't have to worry about it because basically you were born with fortune and stipend luck as a late-bloomer. You can succeed if you build various experience when you were young and then start your own business. You could show your ability in art, design, computer, language fields.

두 세 개의 외국어를 익히면 큰 힘이 된다.공부를 많이 한 사람일수록 귀태가 나는데 학력이 없어도 사회생활 하는데 큰 지장이 없으며 학창시절 수학에 취미가 별로 없다. 예의가 바른 사람이라 노인을 공경할 줄 알고 어른 앞에서 술, 담배도 함부로 하지 않는다. 어지간해서는 화를 잘 안내지만 한번 화내면 대단하고 남이 잘못해도 한 두 번은 이해하지만 선을 넘으면 표시는 안내지만 매정하게 정리한다. 남들이 봤을 때는 한없이 좋게 보이지만 속으로는 능청스런 면이 있고 신념이 확실하며 이해관계가 얽히면 자기의 몫은 확실히 챙기는 사람이다.
Learning a few foreign languages is good for you. You look noble as much as you study but it is not a big problem for social life without academic background and it is likely not to have interested in math. You are so courteous that you are respectful elders and don't drink or smoke in front of elders. You are rarely upset in any situation but once you are angry it is so serious. When people make a mistake to you you forgive them a few times but you stop relationship with others coldly once they go beyond bounds. You look greatly a nice person but you are tend to be hypocritical in your mind and a man of strong will and take your share in the matter of your interests.

밖에서 있던 일은 안에서 말을 잘 안 하기 때문에 아무리 어려운 일이 있어도 집안에서는 티를 안 낸다. 집에서는 멍한 면도 있는데 밖에 나가면 대인관계가 원만하고 사람들에게 환심도 사고 칭찬을 많이 받는다. 책임감이 강한 사람이라 자기가 한 말에서는 반드시 실천하려고 노력하며 자신이 없는 일은 섣불리 저지르지도 않는다. 보통 양보나 남의 부탁을 잘 들어 줄 것 같지만 아닌 것은 결정적으로 확실하게 선을 긋고 양보를 안 한다. 강자일수록 강하게 반응하며 약자에게는 정에 약한 면이 있으나 실속위주의 사람이며 일 처리하는 것도 남에게 시키는 것보다 스스로 꼼꼼하게 처리하기를 좋아한다.자상하고 정직하며 친절한 일면이 있고 아무리 큰일이 닥쳐도 허둥대지 않고 침착하게 처리해나가며 자기 코가 석자면 노가다도 마다 않고 할 수 있는 사람이다.
You don't say anything from the outside to family and don't show any difference of your emotion though you have difficulty with something. You are in daze in home but you have good personal relations and win the favor of people's superiors and get praised a lot in society. You have a strong sense of duty and try to be a man of his word and don't do something if you don't have confidence in yourself carelessly. People think that you would give someone's favor or concede something easily but you don't yield a single point once you think it is inappropriate. You show strong response to a strong man and feel sympathy to a weak man. You are a realistic person and like to take care of your own business by yourself rather than making someone to do it. You also show delicate, honest and kind aspects and stay cool in time of emergency. You are the man who can do heavy work if you have got yourself into a hell of fix.

본시 생활의 요령도 있고 자만하지 않으며 예의도 갖추었으니 직장 상사나 어른들의 신임을 받는다. 서로 마음이 통하는 사람에게는 솔직하게 속내를 털어놓지만 아닌 사람에겐 겉으로는 더 다정한 척하면서도 속은 완전히 딴사람이라고 보면 된다.일에 대한 욕심 못지 않게 실무에 능력발휘를 잘하고 예술감각이 뛰어나 여러 가지 방면으로 흥미를 느끼며 가는데 마다 일복도 많고 여간해선 힘들어도 표시안내지만 정 힘들면 유머감각으로 표현하려한다. 그만큼 다방면으로 능력이 있는 사람이라 하겠다. 평상시에는 인색하지만 한번 쓸데는 화끈하게 쓰고 나중에 여력이 되면 사회 공익사업이나 봉사활동도 할 사람이다.
You have good tactics in life and are not proud of yourself and also have a good manner so you are trusted by your boss or elders. You open your heart for the people who understand you but you are pretend to be more kind to people who don't fit you and never show your true feeling. You show your ability well in the workplace as much as you have a passion for your job and you are distinguished a sense of art so you have interested in several fields as well as you have the luck of many works. You don't show yourself though you are tired but try to express a sense of humor when you are really exhausted. So you are a person of many-sided abilities. You usually are stingy but you spend much money once you decide. You are the person you will be willing to
devote yourself to social public works or volunteer works after you have enough ability to spare for.

여성인 경우에 보통 기본 미모가 있으니 일부러 쌍거풀 수술이나 매니큐어, 귀거리 같은 것을 안 하는게 좋겠다.종교는 보통 불교나 천주교에 많은데 모태 신앙이나 기독교라면 나중에 바뀐다. 결혼은 서기로 짝수 해에 해야 순탄하고 홀수 해에 하면 시작도 그렇고 나중에도 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 평시 이성 교제는 많으나 연애로는 결혼이 잘 안 되며 중매나 소개로 결혼하는 것이 이상적이라 할 수 있고 배우자를 판단할 때도 남의 상대는 잘 보아주는데 정작 자신의 배우자는 잘 못 본다. 또한 부모에게 효자 효녀라 부모가 강하게 반대하는 결혼은 이루기가 힘들다.
If you are a woman, you'd better not to do a cosmetic surgery, have a manicure and wear earings. You are likely to believe in Buddhism or Catholic. If you follow parents' religion or Christian religion, it would be changed later. Your marriage will be going smoothly if you get married in even year but if you get married in odd year, you might get trouble with your marriage. You have a large acquaintance of the opposite sex but it is hard to make a love marriage. It is ideal to get married by arranged marriage or a blind date. You can find a suitable match of someone but you cannot find your own life parter well. Plus, it is hard to marry if your parents are against your marriage strongly because you are raised as a dutiful son and daughter.

wow... it is so long than I thought.
I agree some part of it but I don't trust it.
It is a just kind of handbook for me.
But I still like to know my fortune and destiny and mysterious happenings.
I could complete this posting after I finish my traveling for California. so it is already 17/Jan though I started posting it on the new year's day.

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