Monday, March 23, 2009

I ♥ NY

This was typical image of NY in my mind.

I didn't get any I ♥ NY t-shirt since I could get it in Korea whenever I wanted.

Here is Japanese buffet which was run by Korean people. It was over than our expectation. not only just general food there were several tens of sushi.
I just was moved by foods. I had not been able to eat sushi to my heart's content since I came to Minnesota. This restaurant is located on 5th Ave and I forgot the street name. But the name of restaurant is IchiUmi. So, if you want to eat your fill when you visit NewYork, you could visit there.

The only souvenior I got from this trip; starbucks NewYork cup.

Time Square.. It remined me of another Time Square that I saw in UK. anyway there were Samsung, Korean brand, in the center of NewYork. lol
Time Squre was busy place. For the first few minites I couldn't be suited to this place, but I could become familiar with there soon. Seoul is just as crowd as Time Square.

Looked so delicious~!!

M&M store

And, in front of M&M, there was Hershey's building which just looked like chocolate.

Soho - we couldn't go around many fancy places in soho because we got so tired. So, we just stayed in Starbucks for two hours shooting the breeze.

Different kind of typical image of NY.

Although we were so tired, we decided to go Brocklyn Bridge. It was my dream to go Brocklyn Bridge at night after I watched the movie, Sophie's Choice.

On the way of coming back to the hostel. Japanese students on the opposite side.

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