Monday, April 13, 2009

2 years ago

When I was in Korea, I was a kind of outgoing person than now. Some people who firstly met me in US might say that I am outgoing enough. But, I was much active person who could not stand to spend holidays without a plan two years ago. I had more than 400 person's numbers in my cell phone and joined two students clubs, which I was the leader of one of them. But, I guess I always was unsatisfied with something at that time. Even though there were people around me, I felt lonely, though I talked a lot with people, I couldn't remember what I heard and what I told them. One grateful thing I learned from my traveling was that it was important to spend time for myself. After then, I could satisfy with my situation and myself more.
Actually, a few weeks ago, I found two pictures of mine on the internet. They were the pictures when I was a really busy person in Korea. There was a magazine for college students called 'Campus Herald', and some of columns were written by college students and some of pages were filled with pictures of college students with a brief story of them. My roommate asked me to apply for one of sections in the magazine and we did for fun, and we were picked up. So, we could be taken pictures by a professional photographer in the kind of exhibit hall. Only two pictures were appeared in the magazine, but it took three hours to try many shots. It was a fun experience for me though I bet the photographer retouched our pictures a lot. I have four same magazines in my home as a memory of my college life. Now, It just reminds me of my busy but passionate college life in Korea.

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